Donnerstag, 20. Mai 2010

4 Generals

Last month a brand new 4 generals project started. A perfect chance to build my tyranid army. The following armies have been foolish enough to step into the path of a hungry swarm:

- Black Templars
- Space Wolfes
- Imperial Army
- Eldar
- Daemons

The first game was based on 500 points and this was my army list:

1 Winged Tyrant (230)
1 Zoantrophe in Spore (100)
2x5 Genestealers with Toxin Sacs (170)

We can play as many games as we want but only one counts regarding the score list for the 4 generals project. Of course we have to announce the game as counting before we start the carnage. My first prey was the Black Templars chapter consinsting of the following:

1 Commander
1 Cybot
5 Marines
5 Marines + 2 Scouts
1 Predator

Originally I wanted to deep strike/outflank my whole army, but I rather decided to begin the game with my Tyrant on the table. As a punishment for this foolish thought, he died in the first turn. First he lost 2W in the Templar´s shooting phase and then lost further two by flying through a jungle and attempting to use a psychik skill - pathetic. But as soon as the reinforcements came in, the sun shined again. 5 Genesetealers managed to kill the 5 guys unit within 2 cc turns and the Zoa exploded the Predator. After suffering minimal losses the Cybot exploded too. As it was a KP mission I´ve won by 3-2.

This weekend is the next game (based on mission objectives) and I will use the fresh DNA to create the following 1.000 points army list:

1 Winged Tyrant with Hive Commander (255)
1 Zoantrophe in Spore (100)
2x5 Genestealers with Toxin Sacs (170)
14 Termagaunts in Spore (110)
10 Hormagaunts in Spore (100)
Trygon Prime with Regeneration (265)

I don´t expect this list to win, but I need some scoring units. And with the goal of building up a planetfall style army in my mind, I want all my miniatures to deep strike/outflank/infiltrate. Style is better then an army lists which will crush your opponent and your friendships.

2 Kommentare:

  1. Im Namen der Blacktemplar spieler fordere ich eine Revanche- mein Champion des Imperators wird deine Symbionen persönlich bestrafen!

  2. ... aknowledged and ready for assimilation.
