1st game VS Andreas Winkler and his Orks consisting of 1 Waaaghboss on bike, Mek, 2x3 Kilerkanz, 6 Bikernobz, 14 Lootaz, 3 Nobz in silly canz, 1x19 & 1x20 Boyz, 2 Battlewagons.
This game was about KPs, so I wanted to rush in with the maximum of my units. According to my plan only 4 units appeared out of the reserves, so I wasn´t amused. I managed to get a KP by erasing a Boyz mob, but with just 4 starting units it was hard to pull up a proper fight.
Two tankshocks later my Hive Tyrant was history. I´ve lost 3 Genestealers in exchange fort he 20 Boyz, but Bikernobz are not famous for their mercy and toasted my poor surviving genestealers. 2 Zoantrophes proved to be an easy prey for the shooty greenskins.
With the rest of my army arriving, I created a cunning plan. My dear opponent was on the lead with 1:3, so something should happen immediatelly. I charged the Killerkanz with my Tervigon. They would just deal 6 attacks and then the Tervimom would be their end. Well, ok, the hit 6 times and wounded 6 times, with no Sv allowed. Andreas appologied for sheer luck and I could hide my tears just so. With the Carnifex waiting in the flank, my Genestealers had the job to stop the Bikernobs for 1 turn so they ran one whole inch and didn´t even reach their enemies. Based on this incompetence I was nearly wiped out before I could take revenge on a Battlewagon and the Lootaz. So I lost the game with 3:10 … gnnnnn!
The second game VS Christopher Tafner and his Necrons consisting of 2x11 Warriors, 1 Destructorlord, 2 Tombspiders, 2 Monos, 2x5 Immortals and 3x3 Wraiths was the best game oft he tournament. We both enjoyed it to the end … well, almost.
With a big blast template in the middle of the table as MO, I decided to make something different. I deep striked almost everything in time and wanted to phase the Necrons out (reducing ´em to 10). Almost everything hit the metal freaks but almost all of them came back again. And then the Monos startet their work and gifted my Nids with Gauss-particled death.
With heavy losses on both sides, Christophers I´ll be back throws saved many many models. So I had to change plans and deep striked the Fex onto the MO but he scattered and got charged by the fresly recovered Lord and 2 Wraiths. With a „Come on the hill and find your doom!“ on my lips, the Lord really failed his dangerous terrain test as a jetbike and he really found his doom. In the next round, 2 Wraiths joined the close combat and I made the prophecy that they all would die, becouse I´m the king of the hill.
After nearly tearfull lafter I saw a chance to fight out a draw. It was nearly impossible, but I did it. The hill was really mine, becuase after reducing the Fex to 1 wound I managed to kill 3 Wraiths and the last one fled in the direction of the MO. I charged the Warriors with my Carnifex in order to lure them of the MO and make some place for my Genestealers which assaulted the Wraith, killed him and used their massacre movement to position themselves on the MO. Yes sir, the Draw was mine. But the Carnifex was really enraged and killed 4 Warriors, which couldn´t cause any wound themselves. They even fled from the MO and there was no other turn. I was ashamed because we had so much fun during this game and now I won through my opponents bad luck. Again, sorry Christopher, I just intended to fight out a draw. But so I won.
The third and last game was abour 5 MOs and against our participant from the Netherlands Marcel Van Riet and his Emperors Children consisting of 2 Land Raiders, 1 Vindicator, 1 Lash Princess, 1 Lord, 7 Lesser Deamons, 8, 9 and 10 Noise Marines. I must say I was very occupied by enjoying his army (which was rated Best Painted) and practising my spoken english, so I almost forgot about taking pictures.
On my right flank a Land Raider unloaded a lot of Noise Marines and the Lord which stormed an old landing platform and waited for the Genestealers to come. Behind the stairs on the picture is a MO which you can´t see from this angle. The battle for this MO was immense and has cost me 1,5 Genestealer units.
After my Carnifex deep striked in the middle of the enemies, the entire Emperors Children threw everything at him to bring him down. That gave my other units a little bit time to destroy the Vindicator and the Lesser Deamons, which have just been summoned and slayed the Zoantrophes shortly afterwards.
Unfortunatelly this is the last picture I took, showing the third unit Genestealers taking revenge for their slain kin. In following turns my Tervigon managed to produce enough Termagaunts to shoot at the Deamon Princes and charge her. Two waves of Termagaunts were needed to bring that monster down. At the end of the game I controlled 2 MOs and Marcel controlled 1. But in the close combat phase one lonely Noisemarine was left near my second MO, locked in a close combat with two Zoantrophes. And I idiot forgot about his powerfist and didn´t move my deep striked Termagaunts infront of the MO. So they stood in contact with the MO and it came as it had to come. The Noise Marine killed both Zoantrophes and used his massacre movement to contest my MO. So the game ended in a draw.
The tournament was excellent even if I f***ed up. But here the things I learned this time:
-Maybe it isn´t a bad idea to deep strike away from the opponent in order to take him the possibility of charging me the turn I arrive. I know that anyway, but I often forget about it.
-Against Necrons with 2 Monos I should try to destroy at least one of them. Two are just to hard.
-Never ever forget about possibilities, how slight they even are. Against Necrons I won this way by luring the Necron Warriors from the MO and I messed up a won game against Emperors Children because I forgot the fist and so the chance that the stupid CSM could contest my MO.
wie kann man mit 1-1-1 nur 17ter werden??
AntwortenLöschenaber egal:) guter bericht trotzdem,gegen den marcel hab ich schon am esc gespielt-witziger kerl:)
jaja, es war echt ein wilder Tag. Ich wurde mit 2-0-1 und meiner Paintscore nur 7.!!!
AntwortenLöschenIch schau mir die Ergebnisse heut Abend genau an und schick dir das GOEPP File.
Tyranids seem quite competitive- I wouldn't have thought so some days ago. Good games.
AntwortenLöschenEs war kein win-win-win sondern win-loss-draw. Das draw allerdings durch eigene Blödheit verschuldet.