Dreadlord on CO, Shield, SDCloak. Poison of Strenght, Caledors Bane, Armour of eternel servitude =GENERAL
Sorc. lvl2, scroll, sacrificial dagger (Chillwind, word of pain)
Sorc. lvl2, scroll, darkstar cloak (fire spells 1,2)
Sorc. lvl2, scroll, focus familiar, dark steed (metal spells 1,3)
20 warriors
2x10 RXB
19 corsairs, fc, sea serpent standard
5 COK, Champ
7 witch elves
6 shades, gw
+ ass, manbane, rune of khaine
Again, this was the list vs undead, where I wanted to hunt zombies with the witches, erase blood knights with manbane and so on. But it came the other way I supposed it to be, so I had to face Bretonians instead.
5 units knights, pegasus birdies, 2 mages, 2 units bowmen with fire arrows (damned my hydra) and a trebuchet. ok, that means firepower vs firepower and bretonian lances vs my cc-units. On my first turn I was unable to deal any damage and I remained static.
Instead of running towards me, my dear opponent prefered to move just a little bit and kill 1 RXB ... thats ok to me.
I rearranged my front for the incoming knights on my left flank, while the witches marched forward to get in a flank in following combats or just to claime a tablequarter. Seeing that he wouldn´t be able to charge my hydra because she wasn´t in the LOS, I marched forward with her to cause some terrific ld-tests next turn.
The Bretonians changed their battle line again, but forgot to consider the LOS for the next turn. Obviously he didn´t thought about me rushing into his deployment zone.
BOOOOOH! Here comes the Hydra, but unfortunatelly just one unit bowmen retreated from the terror causing beast. In the meanwhile I got rid of the trebuchet. RXB are just sooo cool when they double-shoot. On my left flank i sent my sorceress as a prey, in order to provoke a charge from the bretonians. That would end in a fleeing sorc and charging COKs (yes, I know charging COKs sounds very silly, but its short for Cold One Knights, like COC/Cold one Chariot ... damn shorting :o) )
After some further maneuvring from the bretonian side, I charged one knights unit with my hydra and the shades, while I "miscalculated" the charging distance of my COC (damn, its short for Cold One Chariot ok? For the last time now! :o) ). Another bait for my dear opponent. Come on now! Charge and let me start a countercharge.
As predicted the knights turned the tail and ran away from my hydra but I rolled to low for pursuing (4 and 5!!). And now to the Bretonians, come on, charge damn it.
Oh, before I forget, the right flank was a firepower duel between the archers, where I just could hit on 5 and 6 (double-shooting rocks). I managed to get the villagers running, but they rallied again. The bretonian sorc was reduced to 1 wound.
Yes sir! The bretonians charged and killed the COC. Unfortunately the Great Weapon guys managed to pursue 17 inches and so they charged my suprised corsairs.
In the meanwhile my witches were slaughtered by a knights unit. You just can´t see it on the pics, because they were doomed by me to redirect 1 knights unit from the real fights, so I didn´t care of making any pics. More important were 3 charges in my turn as you can see on the pic. Da plan: Corsairs - please don´t die, I even charged with the sorc (she got +1a and +3str from a fire spell), hydra&shades - keep the unit out of important fights and stand your ground, CoKs - kill, kill, kill ! !
WTF??? The corsairs didn´t just survive, they killed 1 knight and another through the sorc so the knights fled through my CoKs and vanished. My COKs massacred the birdie riders, but my hydra fled from the combat - again. Like in the last game. i will have to reconsider her role in my battle plan.
Well, this is about the last 2 turns. In the 4th I lost my shades and assassin. In my 5th turn the hydra rallied just to be killed in the following charge by the decimated knights of the grail. But something about the grail guys. I concentrated my whole firepower on them to get a little bit more then 200 point if I can reduce them below 30% thus kill 6 of ´em. After 6 RBT shots, 38 RXB shots and some magical power, I managed it. Finally my RBT got charged and slain by the bretonian core knights.
The game ended in a minor victory for me - 496 points difference. I´ve played unsuspectivly against bretonia (again!) but it was fun though. :o)
Things I´ve learned today:
- Hydra needs support in the opponent´s flank or she should be supporting herself
- Shades & Ass. should be supporters or work hand in hand with a CoB
- COC rocks vs infantry (probably) but vs cavalry its to slow
- I still need a rulebook and manbane sucks vs bretonia
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