Montag, 1. Februar 2010

Xenology Tyranids 10 EL Ymgarl Genestealer Brood

Starting Abilities:
Very nice cc unit. With WS6, S4, I6 and 2A with rending, this guys can make your day. They have Brood Telepathy and thus ignore Instinctive Behaviour, but it even gets better.

Special Rules:
With Move Through Cover and fleet you should be able to get to the enemy really soon. In addition, they can start the game Dormant, which means, that they are not deployed with the rest of your army, instead you secretly write down in which piece of terrain they are lying dormant in. When available from reserve, they are deployed within this terrain and can move and assault in the same turn they arrived. So they are a perfect sneaky unit. The only thing is, if the terrain is occupied by enemies when the Ymgarl killers come into game, all models which can´t be deployed in this piece of terrain are destroid.
Another thing that makes them great is their Alter Form rule which forces you to upgrade your Genestealers for free. Each cc phase they can choose between +1S, +1A and +1T, but not the same alteration in two consecutive player turns.

A very good and unpredictible unit (well, for the enemy) which can strike fast and furious. With luck, you will be able to get the whole brood into cc without losing even one of your precious Ymgarl Genestealers to enemy fire. But it is also risky, because of the terrain you have to choose. If it´s occupied, they go straight to hell.

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