Dienstag, 16. Februar 2010

Xenology Tyranids 18 FA Sky-Slasher Swarm Brood

Starting Abilities:
Same as in my previous Ripper Swarm article, just with Wings.

Same as in my previous Ripper Swarm article, despite the Tunnel Swarm option.

All Tactica and Thoughts mentioned in my previous Ropper Swarm article apply to this unit. But I would like to mention the following: If your Troops Choices are already full and you want to field some Swarms, this is your chance. With Wings you can also Deep Strike as you would have upgradet the Troops Swarms with the Tunnel Swarm option. But it costs you 3 points more than in the Troops Section. On the other hand the 3 points are well spent because you also get the unit type Jump Infantry which makes maneuvring easier. So you can get to the desired place of the table very quick.

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